Transforming drug discovery: Novo Nordisk uses the power of AI and Azure with Microsoft Research
Developing high-quality medicine is a resource-intense endeavor that requires collaboration across Novo Nordisk. Novo Nordisk aimed to scale a pipeline of drug discovery, development, and data science capabilities with AI and machine learning. In partnership with Microsoft Research, the teams built a Novo Nordisk AI platform on Azure AI and data stacks. Novo Nordisk amplified its culture of innovation by leveraging Microsoft Azure platform's AI capabilities across many use cases. The teams recently published initial results with predictive AI models for advanced risk detection in cardiovascular diseases, including an algorithm that can predict patients' cardiovascular risk better than the best clinical standards. Read this case study for lessons learned.
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Transforming drug discovery: Novo Nordisk uses the power of AI and Azure with Microsoft Research
published by Predictive Technologies, Inc.
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